Department of Public Safety

Safety Programs Notification Info

According to federal law, specifically the Clery Act, the University must report the type and frequency of programs designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices to encourage responsibility for personal and community safety.

If anyone in your department provided programs that were safety related, it is important that you forward the information to Chad Whittom, Assistant Director of the Department of Public Safety at Truman State University.

Please provide a date the program took place, a short descriptor of the programming type and the number of programs given during the calendar year. Fire safety, personal safety, and alcohol awareness programming would be included in this count.

If you have any questions about this request or if you would like to discuss specifics, feel free to contact Chad Whittom at 660-785-4176. If you have suggestions for making this process easier, please share them with Chad.

Thank you for your assistance in complying with this federal law.