Scheduling and Cancellations
All trips utilizing a University driver are to be scheduled and cancelled through the Department of Public Safety Parking Services & Fleet Manager. Trips are not to be scheduled or cancelled directly through the University driver. This will allow us to track and adjust hours to keep overtime charges to a minimum.
When possible, requests for drivers should be made no less than 30 days in advance and cancellations should be done no less than 5 days prior to the trip departure.
Off-duty Time
A University driver is not considered off-duty unless they are released for a minimum of six (6) hours and have no driver related responsibilities (fuel, maintenance, stand-by, etc.) to perform. They must also be supplied with accommodations (i.e., hotel room) where the University driver may get adequate rest. Any time a trip takes a University driver out of town for multiple days, the University driver will be compensated for at least eight (8) hours each day they are out-of-town, regardless of on/off duty status. Time spent in a parking lot during the course of an event cannot be considered as off-duty time.
Trip Itineraries
A trip itinerary must be submitted at least ten (10) business days in advance of the trip. The full-time University drivers try to adjust their schedules to keep overtime charges to a minimum. Accurate, extensive and timely itineraries are the best tool for scheduling and reducing overtime. Trips must be spaced out so that University drivers have no less than eight (8) hours between completion of their duties from one trip and beginning their duties for departure on another trip.
Lodging and Meals
University drivers lodging and meals are the responsibility of the trip coordinator. University drivers are to be given a separate room during overnight trips. If multiple University drivers are utilized, each must have separate overnight accommodations. University drivers should be included in all meal plans. The University driver should not be expected to wait in the vehicle while the group eats.
The trip coordinator is responsible for riding the bus or having a responsible designee ride the bus and properly supervises the passengers. The responsible designee should have employee status and be of a maturity level to be able to reprimand passengers and be respected by them.
Unauthorized Passengers
Only members of the University (Board of Governors, employees, and students) and State of Missouri employees may ride in University owned vehicles. Persons who are not University personnel or State employees may only be transported if it is for a pre-approved event that benefits the University.
Animals are not allowed in University vehicles except when required due to a physical disability.
Alcohol/Drugs/Controlled Substances/Tobacco
Alcohol, drugs, controlled substances are not to be used, consumed or transported in University vehicles except for prescription medication in properly marked containers.
Consumption of alcohol anytime during a trip when a person will operate or be transported in a University vehicle is discouraged.
Use of tobacco products is not allowed in University vehicles.